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ARTICLE: Enemy Number One

I’ve been there. I wrote Neuroshima RPG, put whole heart in it, made it successful game in Poland and then I became main enemy of fans of the game. I didn’t understand this. I was really shocked reading mean comments in the Internet about me ruining the game. Fans were

ARTICLE: Stronghold 2nd Edition Rules and FAQ

In conjunction with Rodney Smith at Watch It Played, we have put together an excellent F.A.Q. for Stronghold. Also, while answering Rodney’s awesome questions, we found two errors in the rulebook. After conferring with Ignacy, it was determined that we just couldn’t leave the errors alone. We had to fix

ARTICLE: Exploration in Imperial Settlers

A few months back, we released a tiny expansion for Imperial Settlers: Exploration Tiles. They were a hit as soon as they were announced, but as we learned at BGG.Con, many of you haven’t even heard of them! Exploration tiles are a simple addition that give a bonus to passing

ARTICLE: Missions in Legacy

If you’ve played Legacy: the Testament of Duke De Crecy, then you’ve undoubtedly had to explain, or be explained the way missions work. It’s pretty simple: during your turn, you can spend an action pawn to undertake a mission. You discard a Friend card, then draw 2 Mission cards. Then

ARTICLE: Summary of 2015

Each year on our Polish site we post a summary of the year. Today, is a new year, and we decided to do it for the first time on our English page! We start first with what we did right in 2015: Success no 1 – US Appearances We had a

ARTICLE: Neuroshima Hex – Steel Police

The wastes need order. There must be law. Without it, we are nothing but savages… no better than the mutants we defend our homes from. To win this war, we must mobilize. We must exercise justice swiftly and with absolute abandon. Humans are weak and feeble… unable to protect themselves

ARTICLE: Found in the Bin

I talk a lot about trashing ideas that don’t work. I write over and over about me having no mercy for ideas that don’t help the game.  About the fact that a designer should not be attached to any of his ideas and be ready to change them on the fly.


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.