There are four factions in Monolith Arena. Dwarves, Elves, Demons and… The fourth faction in Monolith Arena is called Dragon Empire. I call them Knights, and I guess, everybody calls them Knights. They have horses, lances, they charge so who’d bother calling them Dragon Empire, huh?
Knights army has a special order – Battle/Charge. They can start a regular Battle with it or decide for a single Charge! That would mean they choose one cavalry unit, move it and attack with it. No Battle started, no opponent had a chance to strike, nobody gets activated and react, nobody but your knight. This one knight runs into the enemy tile and deals damage with no chance for a reaction from the opponent.
Well, maybe there is a reaction – a few curse words, and a look that kills, but that’s fine. You understand it, right?
Many of the Dragon Empire units have ...