
John Gets Games Reviews Legacy

Thanks to John for this excellent review of Legacy. If you’ve been waiting to pick it up, watch the video. He does a great job of explaining it and telling you why he likes it. “The theme is integrated incredibly well into the game’s already solid mechanics.”

Pre-orders for Gen con!

We posted galleries for our new releases, so you know if they look cool. We posted rulebooks for our new releases, so you know if they sounds fun. We run crazy amount of demos at Origins so you can watch these games in action and we also run crazy amount

Rolling Dice and Taking Names

When our friends Marty and Tony asked us to sponsor their podcast, Rolling Dice and Taking Names, there was only one answer: a quick YES!!! If you aren’t familiar with their podcast, check them out. They have great content, wonderful personalities, and an excellent taste in games. *wink wink*

Dice Tower Con 2015

Hello everyone, Chevee here back from another great show, Dice Tower Con 2015. I wasn’t able to attend the whole show, only 2 full days, so I packed as much gaming as I possibly could into those two days… and to no one’s surprise, it was almost exclusively Portal games!

Board games Insider ep. 9

It’s Tuesday so it is time for another episode of Board games Insider! This time we talk with Stephen about developing games in our companies. I hope you’ll find it interesting! Here is a link to the show!

Tides of Time at Origins!

As you guys know, at Origins fair we presented our upcoming releases including Tides of Time, Atlanteans and Rattle, Battle. Here is a summary of videos recorded at fair that present the game. You will find below reviews, gameplays, demos… Whatever you need! 🙂 presentation of the game at Dice

New Store is Live!

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a new, much improved, web store experience. Today, it goes live! Be sure to check out all the new things we offer like some great mini expansions and play aids for some of your favorite games. Note: If you are


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.