
ARTICLE: Too Many Choices?

We were in Vegas and we had free Friday. So we spent it visiting Pinball Hall of Fame and talking about games. I was pretty lucky – our merry company was joined by Eric M. Lang. That meant a lot of interesting discussions about game design. ‘Don’t give players too

ANNOUNCEMENT: Neuroshima Hex T-shirt

It’s been three months since we released our Imperial Settlers shirt, time for another! Today, we bring you this awesome Neuroshima Hex shirt. Order yours today and be the first to wear your Moloch pride on your chest! We hope you enjoy our t-shirts. We want to bring you a

ARTICLE: Neuroshima Hex – New York

New York, the last bastion of man. At the start of the War, the Moloch believed New York was ruin. A few atomic bombs tend to do that. Thankfully, many survived, and in arrogance, Moloch ignored the city while focusing on destroying humankind elsewhere. Big mistake. Humans might be frail,

ARTICLE: What Did The Rulebook Teach You?

Today I watched a very interesting video in which Gil Hova and Geoff Engelstein talked about writing rulebooks. They presented a thesis that each rulebook has two purposes: it has to be tutorial to teach us how to play the game and it has to be also reference book to

ARTICLE: I Love Building Stuff

2009, Stronghold. The Invader builds Catapults, Ballistas, Ladders, Bridges… all kinds of different machines… and items to create a deadly mechanism to destroy this damn castle. Defender does exactly the same. He puts Cannons in towers, he builds Platforms next to walls, he brings Pots and Poles, and makes Traps…

ARTICLE: Set Collection Sounds So Boring

You may wonder why everybody is raving about this Tides of Time game. A set collection, drafting game for two players. I collect Castles, you collect Gardens, I get 3 points per Castle, and you get 7 points for majority in Gardens. We draft cards, collect sets, then we score


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.