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First Martians: Epidemic – new scenario!

First Martians had their official release a while ago, but we are still working on new, free content for the game and constantly improving the companion app. And since we are few days away from holidays, we thought that this is a perfect occasion to give you all, fans of

Portal Games Online Shop Maintenance

In about 10 days, form December 28 to January 15 our on-line shop will be closed for maintenance. We are going to make an announcement, when the store will be operational again. We apologize for any inconvenience caused by this break. At the same time, we would like to inform

New skills in Cry Havoc: Aftermath

Aftermath expansion comes with 15 new Structures and 20 new skills. We discussed Structures in the previous article, today let me talk about new skills – in Aftermath each Faction gains 1 new Default skill and 4 standard ones. Trogs Distraction is their new Default skill. It allows Trogs to

A week with Cry Havoc

The Aftermath expansion for Cry Havoc is here and we are celebrating it with articles, blog entries, videos and photo galleries. But especially with some silly mashups and crossovers between Cry Havoc franchise and Imperial Settlers or Neuroshima HEX! 3.0 franchises. Check this out!

BLOG: Brainstorming ideas with fans

Last week we finished another contest for our fans. Previously this year we run a contest for new abilities for Cry Havoc, then we run a contest for a new scenario for Robinson Crusoe, then for new events and adventures for First Martians. It’s not a joke. It’s not marketing

First Martians – Standalone Mission summary

In the base game of First Martians, you’ll find 6 stand alone missions. Each of them is very different, both in terms of story and difficulty level. We read on game forums that one of the most common questions is ‘What’s preferred order of missions to play?’ or ‘Which mission

New structures in Cry Havoc: Aftermath

In this article, we’d like to present you what type of Structures you’ll find in the Aftermath expansion and how they change the game. What new powers and abilities we prepared for your beloved factions and how they influence the gameplay! Let’s start! Trogs Trogs have those precious Regions in

Aftermath – Cry Havoc first expansion release

Official US release date is December 13th! Continuous fighting between four factions of Trogs, Pilgrims, Machines and Humans has made the extraction of precious crystals very difficult. Every side is in a desperate need of new tactics, skills and leaders. This is the point, where you come in and utilize


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.