Detective Launch Event at Essen Spiel 2018

Detective Launch Event with a special, dedicated for conventions Case 6 “Suburbia” to be solved by attendees.

Learn to play the game with the help of designers and writers!

Join us for the game of Detective! We have a special, unique, convention Case 6, titled “Suburbia”. Dive into Cleveland’s Antares division to solve some crimes at the outskirts of the city. Case 6 is a little bit shorter and easier than the five cases you will play in the main campaign.

Order the ticket via our Portal Games Online Shop.

Ticket eligible only with the Essen pickup option.

Event will take place in “Brussel” room on October 26th (Friday), at 15:00.

Buy ticket now!

More details at our special Essen Pre-orders page:

4 Comments Added

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  1. Amy 2018-09-21 | Reply

    Hello Portal Games,

    Is this ticket for joining the Essen event and playing Case 6?
    If so, do I need to purchase a ticket per person? (I am planning to be there with my husband.)
    Will I get a copy of Case 6 that I can take home?

    Thank you!

    • Portal Games 2018-09-24 | Reply

      Hello! Yes, the ticket is for the launch event and playing Case 6 at the convention. It is one ticket per person. Case 6 is going to be sold separately, we plan some other gadgets for the participation.

  2. Kurt De Vos 2018-09-21 | Reply

    hello , couple off questions regarding the detective event ,
    – where is the Brussel room 🙂
    – is it 5€/player to join the event… or can multiple players join
    – do we get case 6 to take home or is it just playable at the event


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We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.