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Portal Games 2018 Release announcement

We have just ended a weekend, during which we held a Portalcon – convention for our fans and friends. We had almost 250 guests, 14 media outlets representatives from Poland, we held seminars, press conferences, B2B meetings and the Neuroshima HEX! 2017 Polish Champsionship Finals! Fans were able to play

Cry Havoc & teacher of the year

Geek&Sundry wrote an article about Daryl Durston, a physical education teacher in Ontario, California, who was named his school district’s P.E. Teacher of the Year. As it turns out, he lists Cry Havoc as one of his favorite board games. We are very happy to learn about that. This is

French revolution

I remember 2007 and our first Essen. We went to the Spiel with Neuroshima Hex and our pitch was ‘hybrid game’. It was a time of two worlds colliding. On one hand, we had all those awesome American games, with a great theme, perfect artwork, and rules that were so-so.

Imperial Settlers: In-store Event Kit 2018

2018 is going to be exciting for many reasons – one of them would be an expansion of our Retailer Support Program and awesome In-store Event Kits, such as this one, for Imperial Settlers Card Game! Portal Games developed a Retailer Support Program to help promote board games hobby and

Robinson Crusoe Design Scenario Contest Winner

A few months ago we started the contest for the fan-created scenario. Since its release in 2012, Robinson Crusoe was lucky to have a ton of fan-created content. We encouraged players posting template files to make it easier for fans to build a scenario that looks just like the original

First Martians demos in North America

More than 100 hundred Heralds will demo First Martians this January in 38 states and two Canadian provinces! They are going to visit clubs, shops and other places, where people gather to play board games. They will show you the game. They will help you understand the rules. They will

Portal Games Informant #40

It has been almost a whole year with Portal Games Informant, showing you the life and work Ignacy Trzewiczek and the rest of the Portal Games crew. It was a pleasure and a ton of fun. Here are some outtakes and bloopers, that we filmed along the way, but didn’t


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.