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Gen Con 2018 – short report

Here is a short report from Gen con after the first two days! We have a ton of a great news about the Detective! We brought to Gen con more than 700 copies of Detective and well, few hours in on Friday and the game was sold out! On Friday

Game Design & Puzzlecraft Humble Book Bundle!

We are happy to announce that Boardgames That Tell Stories, and Boardgames That Tell Stories 2, books by Ignacy Trzewiczek, are part of a Humble Book Bundle by Shark Games & Friends. That’s your chance to start your collection, especially since on September 1st we are going to launch a

Detective – What you need to know!

Thanks to our great fan and BGG forum user fba827, we can share with you questions and answers about our upcoming, and hopefully hit title Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game. Those are all questions and answers compiled from a perspective of a player – perfect, if you are looking

Detective Mini Expansions are available!

Learn more about all of the mini expansions you can order in Portal Games Online Shop for Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game! Use them to enhance your experience playing a role of a modern detective! This awesome set of 30 Character Portraits for Campaign 1 is a perfect way

GDJ Detective – My game

Detective is another big game from Ignacy Trzewiczek. I spent countless hours on that game. I wish I had precise stats, I wish I could look it up and see the number. Would it be like 10k hours? 15K? It was an intense few months. I wrote the fluff for

Portal Games Informant #69

The week before Gen Con… We are going to Gen Con to release Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game! We are also going to demo Monolith Arena, you will have a chance to talk with Ignacy at our booth #1850. There are also some cool pre-annoincements in the video. Ignacy


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.