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Detective tips for first time players!

Hello Detectives! While the game was released a month ago in the US, and many of you had a chance to play, the European release is yet to come (September 26 to be precise). This is a good time to talk about common tips and tricks in maximizing Detective experience.

Detective demo at GameholeCon

On Nov. 8th to 11th, 2018, there will be the Gamehole Con at Alliant Energy Center Exhibition Hall in Madison, Wisconsin. There will be two Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game demo’s run by Deborah Cutler! Gamehole Con is the largest tabletop gaming convention in the upper Midwest. Tabletop gamers

GDJ Detective – Lone wolf

It’s late night and I am sitting at my desk. The place is finally quiet. Everybody sleeps. I have a cup with my favorite tea, a few pencils, notepads and my lucky set of dice. I bought them back then when I was in high school. Good old times. I

Detective: A Board Game Quest Review

Note: This will be a spoiler free review of Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game The investigation genre is not a new concept for board gaming. These episodic games started back with Sherlock Holmes Consulting Detective and have since branched out into a variety of games (Mythos Tales, Time Stories,

Detective – Case 6 announcement

Would you like to play a special convention Case no. 6, previously available only for those, who pre-ordered the game? Well, you are not the only one. In fact we have heard from a lot of you that you are interested in playing Case 6. Due to your requests, we


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.