Eleven: International Cup and Eleven: International Players – expansions are available now!

Portal Games is proud to announce the release of two expansions for their recently launched Eleven: Football Manager Board Game. The International Cup and International Players expansions are set to hit retail shelves today!

Eleven: International Cup

International Cup is an expansion to Eleven, a strategic game by Thomas Jansen (Club Stories, Tavern, Streetpainball) set in the world of football. Time to get to the next level. The club has developed and defeated local rivals – now only the international games are important. However, playing in a tournament of this rank is extremely demanding, it can weaken your players and lead you to a defeat in the league. The expansion introduces new Opponent cards, new Opponent Team markers, and the International Cup board. From now, you will not be playing one, but two matches a week, which will surely consume more of your Resources. But that’s not all, because you can bump into another player in the tournament, and then you will play a Player vs. Player match. The International Cup is completely compatible with the other Eleven expansions. Because of the length of the game, we do not recommend it to rookie players.

Highest crossbar

When you win the league you are happy, when you win the league five times in a row – you get bored. And for the teams that are bored there is always an international cup. It’s where the best are facing the best, it is impossible to hang a higher bar. So what is your decision? Your players will get exhausted and you will not be able to sleep. But maybe it’s worth it?

International Cup

For the first two Weeks, the game does not differ from the standard game, however, starting from the third Week, you will play two matches a week – one on Wednesday and the second, traditionally, on Friday. Cup matches follow the same rules as regular matches with a few exceptions. As always, you can assign Fan Base markers to the stands, or you can normally discard Injury and Suspension tokens from your cards. At the same time, assigning a Player to a Match will not require you to spend Fitness.

Player vs. Player

If you manage to win the match in the international cup, you will advance to the next round. If you bump into another player on the tournament road, then you play a match against each other. In this case, one player will be the Host and the other will be a Visitor. The game will be played in two halves. In the first one, the Guest will have the advantage of knowing the Host’s Formation – in the second – the other way around. Players will be able to take turns to resolve the effects of their Player’s cards, and then proceed to compare the Sections as usual.

Order now here: https://shopportalgames.com/collections/eleven/products/eleven-international-cup

Eleven: International Players

International Players is an expansion to Eleven, a strategic game by Thomas Jansen (Club Stories, Tavern, Streetpainball) set in the world of football. If you’re needing a little more entertainment, then this expansion is for you. Football is an international sport, so now the Transfer Area will feature as many as 5 decks of Players from different regions of the world. New, special Flight markers will allow you to transfer selected players for your club and use their valuable abilities. International Players are completely compatible with the other Eleven expansions.

The scale is growing

The local market has become too small for your club. If you are thinking of winning international tournaments, you need to start bringing in international players. What direction will you choose? Asia, America, Europe? It is up to you. But don’t be limited to one region, much less your own backyard. Choose diversity, treat the Earth as a puzzle from which you will create the best team in the world.

Changes in preparation

When placing items on the Transfer Area, remove a regular Player cards (not Youngsters or Veteran cards) and replace them with cards from this expansion, creating the International Market. Divide new players into 5 piles depending on the region they come from – Americas, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, Asia or Africa. From the Youngsters make the 6th pile (Home Market). Each player places a special Scout token above the chosen deck and receives 4 Flight markers.

International transfers

On the Monday after Production, you may receive any number of Flight markers by paying for each 1 Cash or Operation marker. If you want to buy a Player, you must have a Scout token above his region. If you do not have this token there, you must first move it, paying 1 Flight marker for each move – Player decks lying next to each other are considered adjacent (the last deck in a row is also adjacent to the first one). At the end of the game, you will receive an additional 8VP if you have Players from all 6 decks.

Order now here: https://shopportalgames.com/collections/eleven/products/eleven-international-players


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.