Detective on Goblin Magnifico 2019 nominees list

We are happy and proud to let you know, that Tana dei Goblin ( announced the eight nominees for the Goblin Magnifico 2019 award, and one of them is Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game!

Here are all the nominees


Blackout: Hong Kong

Detective: sulla scena del crimine/ Detective: a modern time

Rising sun


Teotihuacan: città degli dei / Teotihuacan: City of Gods


Underwater cities

You can find more information here:

Fun fact: Portal Games is distributing Rising Sun, Root, Teotihuacan, and Underwater Cities in Poland!

The winner will be announced at Play Modena (5-7 April 2019), where there will be a demo area with all the nominees. “Play” claims about 40,000 visitors , The “Goblin Magnifico” area at Play had in 2018 a total of 24 demo tables, 59 demonstrators and had recorded over 1500 players among 500 matches.

More about The “Goblin Magnifico” Award

“The Award “Goblin Magnifico” is born with the aim to select a shortlist of boardgames for gamers, chosen by gamers themselves. We are speaking about demanding games… but still games!

This award is carried on by La Tana dei Goblin – the greatest Italian boardgames community and the biggest reality in our country, thanks to dozens of affiliated associations along our national territory, devoted to the diffusion of gaming culture. How beautiful would it be having a yearly list of “Magnifici”? Games that particularly stand out among the huge annual multitude of boardgames?

Something thought for gamers community. Of course there will be a winner, the “Magnifico”, chosen by a selected panel of judges, and another one, “Scelto dai Goblin” (chosen by Goblins), selected by popular vote by La Tana dei Goblin online community registered users.

This is the Goblin Magnifico mission!

For this purpose there is a panel of judges which selected and tested games and games for months.

But even the popular vote has his own relevance.

Will the users choose the same game chosen by the judges? What if the “Scelto dai Goblin” turned out to be the same as “Magnifico”?

It doesn’t matter. What is really important is to give useful information. To speak about games. To try games and to share gaming experiences. And last but not least to play and let people play.

The aim of Goblin Magnifico is not only to make a list of final candidates but mainly to give the people the opportunity to play those candidates as well. What’s the purpose of a game if it’s not played?

So, beginning with Modena “Play”, the most important italian boardgames fair, there will be a big demonstrative area dedicated to the selected games. Dozens of tables with demonstrators for each game.

This initiative has been thought in fact as a “Road Show” all along Italy: where there will be a games fair, there you’ll find Goblins playing with you the selected games, showing the Goblin Magnifico and the other finalists.”

We would like to congratulate all the nominees, designers and publishers, and we would like to thank Tana dei Goblin for that recognition.


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.