Rolling Dice and Taking Names

Ignacy was the special guest on this week’s episode of Rolling Dice and Taking Names podcast. Listen to Ignacy talk about some upcoming products and shows for 2015! There may even be a few spoilers inside! Get the episode here.

Uranopolis 3.0 is Avaialable Now!

The long wait is over, Uranopolis 3.0 is in stores now! You can learn more about the game, and download the Uranopolis rulebook at the game’s page. Check it out here! Ask your FLGS for your copy today! Pre-war uranium mines with hidden underground equipment and mining crews managed to

Portal Games Announces Tides of Time

Contact: Ignacy Trzewiczek Portal Games Tel: +48 601 49 68 48  FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE   Portal Games announces Tides of Time card game The first micro game from Portal and new designer Kristian Čurla Gliwice, Poland – April 13th, 2015. Today, Portal Games announced Tides of Time, a new

CONTEST for Imperial Settlers fans!

Hi guys! Do you like contests? We hope so, because we have one for you! It is dead simple and hopefully pretty funny! Choose card from Imperial Settlers with illustration you really like, make a picture of this and send to us with funny caption. Best entry win whole bunch

New products in our webstore!

This week we added two new items to our webstore. First one is promo or Theseus – wooden pawns and stickers for all of you who want to upgrade your Theseus game! The other one is Kryptos, Polish card game created by Piotr Siłka and published by Trefl. We decided


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.