Meet us at UK Game Expo

This weekend we are in Birmingham at UK Game Expo 2015. We have a booth and we will present Neuroshima Hex and Imperial Settlers. We are also bringing prototypes of Tides of Time, Rattle, Battle, Grab the Loot and Atlanteans expansion for Imperial Settlers. Drop by to our booth P29,

Board games Insider #7

New episode of Board games Insider is here! We talk about BGGcon FAM, about Spiel des Jahres and about going to conventions for income – is it possible for publisher to earn money at convention?

Contest results!

Last week we had a contest on our FB pages (both PL and EN) with a very simple task – your goal was to guess what 5th faction we have for Imperial Settlers. We had crazy number of entries. Here is infographic that shows some of the data from the

10 puzzles for Neuroshima Hex!

We have small gift for you today – here are first 10 puzzles from Neuroshima Hex box. You may check rules of the game from downloading rulebook and then solve these puzzles to practice your skills! Have fun! Here are the puzzles!

Board games Insider #6

We are happy to present to you sixth episode of Board games Insider. In this episode Ignacy and Stephen discuss distribution chain and talk about different models that exist in US market and European market. Have fun!

World of Neuroshima!

Today we begin publishing fragments from Neuroshima Role Playing Game that might be interesting for all fans of Neuroshima Hex, 51st State or Convoy. We hope you will enjoy these short chapters and you will have even more fun playing our games set in the world of Neuroshima. Here is

New videos!

Today we posted two video on our YouTube channel. First material is our vlog (we talk about Rattle, Battle!) and second is remix of few reviews of Neuroshima Hex. Have fun!

Portal Games and Pyrkon

Last weekend in Poland was Pyrkon, the biggest convention in Poland where fans of science fiction, fantasy and popculture come together to celebrate! We organized a massive Neuroshima Hex 3.0 elimination tournament. It was attended by 60 people and lasted over 5 hours! That’s awesome! Thank you guys! We are proude to have


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.