Board games Insider ep. 9

It’s Tuesday so it is time for another episode of Board games Insider! This time we talk with Stephen about developing games in our companies. I hope you’ll find it interesting! Here is a link to the show!

Tides of Time at Origins!

As you guys know, at Origins fair we presented our upcoming releases including Tides of Time, Atlanteans and Rattle, Battle. Here is a summary of videos recorded at fair that present the game. You will find below reviews, gameplays, demos… Whatever you need! 🙂 presentation of the game at Dice

New Store is Live!

We’ve been working hard behind the scenes to bring you a new, much improved, web store experience. Today, it goes live! Be sure to check out all the new things we offer like some great mini expansions and play aids for some of your favorite games. Note: If you are

Artwork: Tides of Time

Gen Con is fast approaching and it’s time we start sharing some more details about our games! We begin by showing you some artwork and cards from Tides of Time. If you head the the Tides of Time page, and click on the Images link, you can see a few of

World of Neuroshima – Laws and Customs

After all sembelance of an organize society collapsed, the small pockets of humanity that remained began to form their own rules. Laws that existed in the old world had no place in this new, hostile environment. When you are traveling, you had better learn the laws of the land… if

The Origins Report

Last weekend, I attended Origins Game Fair 2015 in Columbus, OH. Portal did not have a booth at the show, instead, we chose to showcase our games to media friends to start the ball rolling on our Gen Con releases. I booked myself solid for 2 straight days and sat

Boardgames That Tell Stories 2 Now on Kickstarter!

Portal Games announces Board Games That Tell Stories vol.2 – the second book by Ignacy Trzewiczek. Gliwice, Poland – June 9th, 2015. Today, Portal Games announced Board Games That Tell Stories vol.2, a new book by Ignacy Trzewiczek and its launch on Kickstarter! Two years ago Ignacy Trzewiczek had a dream.


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.