Check out the latest Portal Games Vlog #103
Hello, hello! Check out the latest episode of the Vlog, which is already on YouTube.
Hello, hello! Check out the latest episode of the Vlog, which is already on YouTube.
What a fantastic news! The seventeenth additional army for Neuroshima Hex, one of the longest-supported board games on the market, is available for pre-order!
Meet the Imperial Miners – the engine-building game where you all play simultaneously! This stand-alone game is set in the popular Imperial Settlers universe and dedicated for 1 to 5 players.
Hello! We’re happy to confirm that our newest game, Imperial Miners, will be released in China, Japan, and Thailand! Greetings to all our awesome fans in Asia, and we hope you will have a blast with the game!
Every year in September, a new army for the Neuroshima Hex is released. Unchangingly since 2012, year after year, ever since the Steel Police expansion hit the market and Neuroshima Hex fans said: “Perfect format”.
A standalone game set in the universe of Imperial Settlers with beautiful illustrations, simple rules, and gameplay full of chain reactions. Meet Imperial Miners and check out how to play with Rodney from the channel Watch It Played.
Are you looking for some Portal Games updates? Good job! You found a perfect place for that! Now it’s time for Portal Games Update!
Imperial Miners PRE-ORDER starts now! Don’t hesitate and order now to receive a bonus in the form of an additional game board and a set of cards that will pleasantly diversify your gameplay!
Hello backers, we are back from holiday and we are well on the way to completing the works on Thorgal. Moreover we want to inform you about the upcoming Pledge Manager.
We are happy to confirm that Imperial Miners will be released in the Czech edition.