Important changes in the campaign, big description of the shelter and second daily Stretch Goal!
Hi there,
this is Ignacy Trzewiczek, I am designer of Robinson Crusoe and I have an important update for the campaign. I divided it into 3 parts:
- Brief update with bullet points of what we changed in campaign,
- Stretch goal description with story about the unlocked items,
- Book of Adventures presentation with the first dedicated video presentation of the expansion.
Let’s go!
I want to thank you all for your feedback. On the first day, we received more than 2000 comments. My team responds to them, and also updates the FAQ section to help everybody find answers, and what’s most important – we are changing the campaign to meet your expectations. The most significant changes and updates after the first day of the campaign are:
- Backers from Germany and Spain have now access to The Book of Adventures expansion in their language,
- You can now pledge 1 euro to have full access to the campaign, including updates, notifications, and later Pledge Manager, (if you have 5 euro credit, just pledge for 6 euro)
- We updated the description of Rewards, so it is more clear to understand,
We see some recuring questions in the comments and I’d like to answer these topics today:
Stretch Goals
This one is big! We re-structurise the campaign a little bit, to make sure things will be more transparent for you (so take a look at the updated campaign page), but here are the most important bits:
- Collectors edition of the game is coming with all the extra components ( hero miniatures, extra open and play scenario, APP) AND the full Collector’s Edition dedicated Stretch Goals that we will be unlocking during this campaign. We have planed a lot of awesome stuff for you in this campaign!
- All the Stretch Goals will not be a part of Retail release, so by pledging now, you are getting all of them for free in the price of just the Core Box.
- We also have a tons Stretch Goals for the Book of Adventures and again – they will be not present in retail version of the expansion.
Check out what we have so far!
During this campaign we will work better at presenting everything to you guys 😉 On top of that here are some other points:
- We aim at February 2022 delivery of the EN edition, and language editions soon after,
- The bigger size of the playing mat is meant for storing scenario and tokens, we will provide visualisation in upcoming days
We read all your comments, and we try our best to make positive changes to the campaign. We see your questions about insert, we see questions about group pledge for Book of Adventures, we see all you ideas and our team is working hard to check all possible options and bring you some good news! I hope the first day proves that we listen to you and that we are all playing in the same team with a simple goal – make an epic edition of the game!
Please, keep giving us suggestions, and we’ll keep trying to meet your expectations!
I am a book nerd. Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe is my favorite novel of all time. I own several editions of the book, with this one you see on the photos being my absolute treasure. I received it as a birthday gift from my wife. It was published in England in 1850, one hundred and thirty years after the first printing of the book.
Building shelter and the camp is an essential part of the story. Robinson lands on the island, and he must find a way to stay safe. The first chapters of the book describe in detail how he builds his new home on the island and how he protects himself from the weather and wild animals, building palisades, fences, rope ladders and more. I read these chapters 50, mayby 100 times. Seriously. I read it as a kid, I read it when I was a teenager, I read it in college, I read it obviously when I was desiging the board game too. Building the camp, creating shelter and palisade was always a crucial part of the story.
When I visited Awaken Realms HQ discussing our cooperation and when I was presenting them the game with passion and I talked all the things I see in the game, the theme, the story, the background, they were moved. “How you represent all of this in the game”, they asked.
“Here are the tracks. You track your Roof level here 1 to 4, and you track your Palisade here 1-4.” I said.
They looked at me perplexed. After my epic monologue about the theme and the story of the game, after I talked about the storms, the weather, the fireplace, I finally pointed at two tracks.
“That’s it? These two tracks?”, Adrian asked.
“Well, yes. It is a board game. You represent the camp by these tracks.”
“No way,” he said. “Ignacy, I am building you a camp. This game needs to tell the story you just told us.”
I was skeptical. After these 10 years since the game was released, I really got used to the tracks. I didn’t need Adrian to build me anything.
And then, a few weeks later, I got an email.
“I built your camp, Ignacy. Let players experience the story the way you told us, they way you have it in your head. Build the camp. Be Robinson. Enjoy.”
The project was amazing. The shelter consists of four separate parts you can build and add to the camp, and the palisade of four other parts, becoming more and more big and safe. As the game progresses and you build and you upgrade your shelter, you will add additional elements on board and – like Robinson in the book – make a safe hideout.
We choose the camp model as a first stretch goal because it is a perfect addition to the game. It is gorgeous. It adds to the theme and storytelling aspect. While the model is not essential to the gameplay, it adds so much immersion! And what is so important to me – it is wholeheartedly true to the spirit of the novel – the novel that started it all.
It is an epic miniature that brings your shelter to life and is modular on top of it. During your adventures, you will be able to enhance it and have full satisfaction of the progress your characters made!
Check out all the parts!
During this campaign, besides Robinson Crusoe Collector’s Edition we present this epic collection of scenarios (old and new) for the game. There is more than 20 brand new scenarios designed for this campaign. And I say more than 20 because… We promised you 10 best scenarios from contest, we promised 10 scenarios created in-house by Joanna Kijanka, but we also promised you that during this campaign we have more!
Today we announced a brand new one! Let me explain – fans of Robinson Crusoe asked for a competitive scenario for the game from the very beginning. The game was released in 2012, and back then, the Lost TV show was a big hit, and literally, everybody who met me at the conventions was asking me for something like that – a competitive mode!
I am happy to announce that we have it! Ying Yang is designed by Joanna Kijanka, and it brings a competitive element to the game. Two teams of players will join the martial school to compete over which one is better – you will have to fight with your bare hands instead of a weapon and create your Dojo according to your doctrine. It’s fun, unique, and now not only Island is your enemy! Now you must defeat other players! Crazy! 🙂
Ying Yang increases the number of brand new scenarios in the Game Found version of Book of Adventures! This one is aimed at experienced players and will be a real treat for all of you who look for unexpected twists in Robinson Crusoe!
And at the end I have a surprise for you! A first episode of series of videos! In this series of dedicated videos we want to present you 20 scenarios from The Book of Adventures. You ready?
That’s all for today! Please, keep sending us your feedback about the campaign and see you tomorrow in Update #3! Tomorrow we will have another great Stretch Goal to discuss and I cannot wait to share it with you!