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Portal Games booth #1850 on GenCon 2017

If you are visiting GenCon this year, please visit our Portal Games booth. We would like to show you our newest releases and upcoming titles, such as First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet and Alien Artifacts. Come by and play with us and have a great time! It would

GenCon 2017 Quiz&Contest!

Will you be on GenCon this year? Portal Games certainly will be! And it wouldn’t be our first time there. We have many great memories from Indianapolis convention. Therefore, we would like to propose a small contest. A quiz, if you like. Rules are simple: Answer correctly three, easy questions,

Throwback Thursday #03

Third Throwback Thursday just went live. It’s ALIVE!!!! Ignacy would like to tell you about first game he published, Frankenstein Faktoria. Please consider subscribing to our YT Channel Here: – you don’t want to miss next videos!

Neuroshima HEX Army reprint

We have great news for all Neuroshima HEX fans! Army reprint is on its way. We will have for you: Mississippi New York Smart Vegas Uranopolis Death Breath They should be available in our shop around November. Stay tuned!

First Martians official FAQ v1.1

We just have released official Frequently Asked Question (version 1.1) for First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet. PDF includes answers and clarifications about: GENERAL RULES QUESTIONS and ERRATA MAKE YOURSELVES AT HOME mission A GUESSING GAME mission MALNOURISHED PLANTS mission LANDING mission PROBE ON THE LOOSE mission LOCAL MATERIALS

Portal Games Informant #23

[Said in the voice of Profesor Farnsworth] Good news, everyone! We can now go on an adventure, explore cosmos and steal some stuff from those pesky aliens! Here is the newest Portal Games Informant, where we talk about Alien Artifacts!

Throwback Thursday #02

Next throwback Thursday is here, with a little bit nostalgic stories about Portal Games past. Ignacy has some memories about one of first Portal Games game. Please consider subscribing to our YT Channel Here: – you don’t want to miss next videos!


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.