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Portal Games Informant #30

Alien Artifacts arrived! Our big release on Essen 2017 is in our hand. Now we need to start to send pre-order copies to you! You will soon be able to play Alien Artifacts 4-X card game 🙂 Also, we received a couple of ideas for Robinson Crusoe contest! Now it’s

Events & News

Contest! Portal Games is preparing for Essen Spiel and we want to share this year’s new releases with you! Participate in our BGG contest: Good Luck! And discuss it here: Events Menu We have added a new menu category to our web page – Events. There you can

Portal Games Informant #29

Our biggest Early Launch ever! Early Launch for First Martians is a fact! We have for you 3 videos, 2 PDFs, more than 25 new events, new feature in the app (you can share how you died!) and what’s most important, we have for you a NEW MISSION! Enjoy! We

We are looking for Essen 2017 volunteers!

Portal Gamers team is a group of Portal Games fans and volunteers, who help us share our common passion for board games. It is a great opportunity, to play many fantastic games, meet awesome, like-minded people and have a great time! Portal Games needs your help on conventions and other

First Martians Early Launch Event is LIVE!

The PC version of the First Martians Companion App is updated to 1.08 – download here! Your Android version should update itself today and iOS version should follow soon! We have also added Removal Mission rules – download here! We have also published First Martians Almanac – download here! Go

Essen 2017 Pre-Orders News

26.10.2017 – 29.10.2017 Spielmesse Essen 2017 – Internationale Spieltage And Portal Games crew will be there, with many games, promos and tables to play them all! Check out our special Essen 2017 pre-orders. Every offer has an Essen pick-up option, meaning, that you will have free shipping, because you will

First Martians Early Launch Event News

Greetings First Martians! We are happy to announce, that September 20th is the beginning of the new era – space exploration was never so close and within your grasp. Portal Games would like to present Early Launch Kit for the First Martians: Adventures on the Red Planet – game about

Neuroshima HEX Army Packs back in action!

Are you ready to play? We re-stocked our webshop with Neuroshima HEX Army Pack – and we did it way sooner, than we anticipated! We have for you: Mississippi New York Smart Vegas Uranopolis Death Breath As well as Dancer, Mephisto and Steel Police, that never went out of stock.


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.