Marcin Senior Ropka and Viola Kijowska

Alien Artifacts


Alien Artifacts – photo gallery

Travel to distant lands, discover artifacts of an alien civilization, and use them to conquer the galaxy. Construct your vessels, develop technology, and colonize planets, as your empire grows, but look out for opponent’s blockades. That’s Alien Artifacts’ gameplay in a nutshell. Take a closer look at the game here and find your love for strategy engine builders! #bwg_container1_0 { display: table; /*visibility: hidden;*/ } #bwg_container1_0 * { -moz-user-select: none; -khtml-user-select: none; -webkit-user-select: none; -ms-user-select: none; user-select: none; } #bwg_container1_0 #bwg_container2_0 .bwg_slideshow_image_wrap_0 { background-color: #F2F2F2; width: 800px; height: 500px; } #bwg_container1_0 #bwg_container2_0 .bwg_slideshow_image_0 { max-width: 800px; max-height: 410px; } #bwg_container1_0 #bwg_container2_0 .bwg_slideshow_embed_0 { width: 800px; height: 410px; } #bwg_container1_0 #bwg_container2_0 #bwg_slideshow_play_pause_0 { background: transparent url("") repeat scroll 0 0; ...

Alien Base Promo

Alien Base Promo
The idea for Alien Base promo came to me very naturally. It’s sf setting, and that immediately brings Death Star into the picture. The huge construction, a mysterious technological flagship that threatens good guys. In the Alien Artifacts, we are good guys. Alien Base is a set of 4 double-sided tiles. On one side of each tile, you have a picture of a fragment of a base. If you put these tiles face down, they together form a big alien base. On the other side of each tile, there is an alien threat you must fight. Spyware threat blocks your technology cards, Alien contamination threat blocks your ships and Mysterious plague will affect your planets… With this promo in game players have a choice – instead of attacking Alien system card, they may attack Alien Base, choose one of the tiles, flip it face up and fight it. You never know which part of ...

GDJ Alien Artifacts – The one about blending theme with gameplay

GDJ Alien Artifacts – The one about blending theme with gameplay
The storyline for Alien Artifacts moves the universe to the point in which humans discover a new resource – Xenium. Hidden under the crisp surface, not known before, now, thanks to miners from Community faction, got suddenly revealed. Everything in the known worlds immediately changed. How the fluff, the story transfers into the game mechanisms? We had a ton of fun creating new cards that match the plot. First the new resource itself. We wanted it to be special, so not only it is very powerful – acts as a wild resource for all game purposes – but also each resource card has an additional special ability. You guys found something unique, that’s for sure. Some give VP, some allow to activate ships, some produce more cards… Then we looked at planets. To match the theme we designed a new type of planet – obviously, the one that can produce this new resource. ...

2017 Board Game Award Nominees

We are happy and proud to share with you, that couple of our games are nominated for the 5th annual Board Game Quest Board Game Awards! In the Best Game Expansion category we are nominated for Imperial Settlers: Aztecs expansion by Ignacy Trzewiczek for the award winning Imperial Settlers. Will Aztecs add an award for the Imperial Settlers family? We certainly hope so, but the competition is fierce: Scythe: The Wind Gambit, Clank!: Sunken Treasures, Imperial Assault: Jabba’s Realm, and Flamme Rouge: Peloton. In the Best Card Game category we are nominated for Alien Artifacts by Marcin Senior Ropka and Viola Kijowska! We are ...

BLOG: He is not that dude

BLOG: He is not that dude
Apparently, he likes to make things harder. I mean, he could just take few new ideas for cards, mix them, put into one box and sell for 10 bucks per copy. But, no! Ignacy Trzewiczek is this dude that tells stories, huh? So he had to come up with something more sophisticated, than just this, like, for instance, to plan ahead few expansions and build the whole story arc around them. Merge rules and new abilities with the history of the whole freaking universe of Alien Artifacts. Yeah, that sounds like him. He put it all on the paper, he looked at it and he smiled. That’s gonna be a ton of work. That’s gonna be a lot of fun. Let’s go for it, he said. *** Ignacy approached Rafał Szyma, art director at Portal Games, old-time RPG player, a writer, a dude who put a ton of thoughts into each faction in Alien ...

Alien Artifacts Rulebook Update

Alien Artifacts Rulebook Update
Spacefaring is a tough job. While there are mechanisms in the game, that allow to quickly rebuild a damaged ship, they caused some pretty overpowered combo. From the beginning our intention was, that having your ship damaged is bad and loosing it is worse. While the latter stays true, when the game was released, the former turned out to be sometimes beneficial. Thousands of players started creating their powerful combos. We have learned about them through conventions and BGG forums. Many of them were great and perfectly balanced option. One of them, however, was particularly powerful, making dozens of points per turn. When your ship was damaged during an attack it could return back to your empire and attack again, if its cost was lower than the discount. This combo was still luck-dependent – if the ship were destroyed, it couldn’t return to your empire and trigger the next attack. ...

Welcome to the Artifacts’ Universe – “Anais, darling!”

Welcome to the Artifacts’ Universe – “Anais, darling!”
Here is the next installment in the first part of Alien Artifacts Lore, called Shards. Shards will introduce you to the universe of the Alien Artifacts. You will witness the various facets of this world, its heroes and the events that take place during the monumental shift in humanity’s history. A shift that was initiated by the discovery of an alien race: its creations, technologies, architecture and philosophy. Chapter 5 “Anais, darling!” – click to read! Stay tuned for more content!

Welcome to the Artifacts’ Universe – “Peace and thought, brother”

Here is the next installment in the first part of Alien Artifacts Lore, called Shards. Shards will introduce you to the universe of the Alien Artifacts. You will witness the various facets of this world, its heroes and the events that take place during the monumental shift in humanity’s history. A shift that was initiated by the discovery of an alien race: its creations, technologies, architecture and philosophy. Chapter 4 “Peace and thought, brother” – click to read! Stay tuned for more content!

Welcome to the Artifacts’ Universe – “Takeover of the enemy structures and securing infrastructure”

Welcome to the Artifacts’ Universe – “Takeover of the enemy structures and securing infrastructure”
Alien Artifacts Universe is big, wonderful space, with a lot of interesting factions, conflicts and drama. It is not only a complex sci-fi, engine building card game, it is, primarily, like most Portal Games games, a board game, that tell stories. Here is another one of these stories. Chapter 3 “Takeover of the enemy structures and securing infrastructure” – click to read! Stay tuned for more content like that!

BLOG: One fan at the time

BLOG: One fan at the time
Ignacy has some thoughts on flying. And games, that too. It’s Sunday morning. I am at Pax Unplugged, it’s the last day of the con, I will be leaving convention center and heading to the airport in two or three hours. At some point, a guy comes, shakes my hand and says he was at my seminar on Friday evening and liked it a lot. He then decided to come to my Game Designer seminar, on Saturday and he liked it a lot too, although he knows no shit about game design and has no plans whatsoever to design a game. After the seminar, he came to our booth and bought Alien Artifacts. It’s Sunday morning. The guy stands in front of me and says that this weekend he discovered Portal Games, and he immediately became a fan of the company. He liked seminars, he liked Alien Artifacts, he did some research ...

Alien Artifacts Early Launch – visit your FLGS today!

Alien Artifacts Early Launch – visit your FLGS today!
Hi there! Do you know, that today is the day when Alien Artifacts, sci-fi strategic card game begins its Early Launch in the US? Don’t miss that opportunity and visit you Local Friendly Game Store. Check out our special Alien Artifacts Early Launch Packs! They will include eight planet cards with a unique artwork and awesome geeky names, which many of you will surely find very amusing. Let us show you a little sneak peek of what we are exactly talking about:

Alien Artifacts set up rules discussed

Alien Artifacts set up rules discussed
Operational cards in the set up! Today we’d like to talk about Alien Artifacts and answer one of the most common question we read on the forums – let’s talk about operational cards and the set up phase. As you guys know, operational cards, when built, immediately act – ships attack, techs score points and planets generate resources. Many of you ask if this happens also in the set up phase, when you start the game with operational card in your Empire. No, it is not. I am sorry. It’s a set up phase. You don’t attack in set up, or score points or whatever you wish you could do. Hold your horses. It’s just the set up phase, huh? Even though they don’t act, these cards make you already better prepared for your future actions. They are ready for you to activate them with Operational Actions right from round 1. There are so ...

Alien Artifacts release is closer and closer!

Alien Artifacts release is closer and closer!
As humanity surges ever forward, exploring the depths of the galaxy, we have uncovered the remains of an ancient race. Their technology is unfathomably advanced. The many factions of the inner galaxy have entered a new arms race. Diving ever deeper into space, we search for the invaluable remains of this mysterious race. Along the way, we must discover new planets, research new technology, and build powerful fleets. Will you be the one to unlock the power of the Alien Artifacts? Alien Artifacts is a science fiction card game in which you play as an interplanetary corporation, sending your research vessels into uncharted space to expand your knowledge and power. Build your ships, research new technology, and explore the galaxy for anything — or anyone — you can exploit. The remains of an ancient race are there to be conquered. Alien Artifacts Early Launch and release date We would like to announce, that ...


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.