51st State: Ultimate Edition – update #2

First reaction to your feedback!
It’s almost 24 hours into the campaign and personally, I am blown away with the feedback and the result. Once again I’d love to thank all of you who decided to support the campaign and put trust in us and this amazing project.
Shipping concerns
We saw fans being not happy with shipping rates. For every crowdfunding campaign and every pre-order campaign we did, our primary goal was always to find the best solution for logistics – a solution that is efficient, reliable, and has the best price for our customers. There is no hidden agenda here, we don’t make these prices, we don’t make any profit on shipping, actually, it is quite the opposite, some of the cost is on us. These prices are the reality of today’s world and logistic hell.
This edition of 51st State is produced in Europe and the product will be shipped from Europe to backers. We are not producing this product in China due to various reasons.
Single promo
We saw in the comments that some of you already have many promos and mini-expansions and are looking only for one or two missing, not the whole upgrade pack. I’d like to inform you that single promos will become available through our webstore as they used to be.
Stretch goals
In this campaign we will have for you new cards as a stretch goals, as the production value of this product is already top notch! We hope it will make you happy – for the upcoming days we will reveal new cards that you will find in your copy of the game!
The first promo we showed today is the legendary Jenny’s Transport, the promo that was once produced, but had a mistake, so the whole print run had to be destroyed, but there were some fans who somehow managed to get it before it was destroyed and since then it became this mysterious promo that was and wasn’t! existing 🙂
For those who were not following the project and therefore missed the Uranopolis faction, you can grab it now as a separate item. Remember to choose the language! 🙂
I’d like to politely remind all the backers that we are a company from Poland and we work in the CET timezone. Please, be patient and understand that our customer service who replies to your comments works in the CET timezone. I appreciate your understanding.
Thank you for today,
Today I’d like to share with you a true story from 2010, 13 years ago. It tells the genesis of the game.
I rush into the house, toss my briefcase in the corner and run to my desk to get some sheets of paper. “Daddy, daddy!” Lena’s voice comes from the kitchen. The daughter pat pats through the hallway and grabs hold of my leg.
“Merry, take her!” I shout in the kitchen’s direction and pass the kid to the mother.
“How about a good afternoon?!” I hear.
“I’m not here,” I answer and rush into the kids’ room. „Nina, give me the paint set, quick!” I utter and run into the bathroom to get some water.
“Daddy, daddy!” comes from the kitchen.
“I’m not here!” I shout back. I pick up the paints, sheets of paper, a brush, water and get to the table.
“Ignacy!” Merry gets angry and now I’m going to get it.
“I’m not here, don’t talk to me,” I answer risking my life, and start to cover the paper with paint.
Have you seen Close Encounters of the Third Kind? Then you know what’s going on. A nutter covering sheets of paper with drawings. Merry with the kid in her arms stands behind ready to hit me.
“Give me three minutes and I’ll say good afternoon. Now I’m not here, please.” I say through my teeth and keep painting in blue, red, and grey. One, two, three sheets of paper. They all fill up with notes, drawings, and arrows.
“I live with a lunatic,” Merry recaps and goes back to the kitchen. The daughter cries daddy is back, she wants daddy. Nina brings more sheets of paper. It takes me three minutes to fill up six of them. I spilled everything I had in my head, everything I came up with during a half an hour’s drive. I didn’t waste a single idea. I managed to note down everything. Phew. I get up relieved.
„Daring, I’m back! How’s your day?” I shout in the kitchen’s direction. The daughter runs to me with a squeal. There are six sheets of paper dirty with paint lying on the table. It’s the groundwork for 51st State.


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.