Thorgal: Update #42 – January update

Dear backers,
as we informed you earlier we completed the following steps:
✅ development of the game and all unlocked Stretch Goals
✅ Proofreading and editing of the English version
✅ Localization, proofreading and editing of the German and Polish versions (Portal Games), French, Spanish and Italian versions (international partners).

Now we are happy to announce that we also completed the preproduction step including:
✅ additional proofreading of all language versions
✅ preparing and adjusting language independent components according to the manufacturer suggestions
✅ verifying all copyrights and acquiring final approval from the license owner
✅verifying e-proofs (digital copies of the game).

This step took us way longer than we expected. From the very beginning we knew that we want to (or actually have to) produce all the language versions at the same time. One of our partners had problems with the translation and we had to wait for a while for them. Then when preparing the final files for the manufacturer we encountered another serious problem concerning files of another partner. They managed to fix them, but again it took some more time. Finally the process of fulfilling the copyright requirements were more complex than we estimated – as you know during the years Thorgal comics were written and drawn by different authors and we had to include a specific copyright on every single image in the game.

None of these problems was huge or hard to resolve, but unfortunately they all took more time than we expected. Saying that I want to ensure you that all the remaining processes are proceeding well and we are not expecting any more delays. For now we still cannot confirm any certain dates but for sure the game won’t be ready for the pick up before the Chinese New Year.

So what does it mean? When we may expect our games to be delivered?
When we were preparing the initial schedule for the Thorgal campaign we have already included some time for resolving such problems and we truly hope that there will no more bigger problems with verifying the preprodution samples and production samples. We believe that the schedule is still accurate and the fulfillment will begin in Q2, which means 1 year after the end of the campaign.

That’s all for today, I hope I explained everything clear enough, but if you have any questions please ask below!
Portal Games team


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.