Thorgal: Update 36 – Pledge Manager begins

Today the Pledge Manager begins. For those who are new into Gamefound we prepared a short explanation what is it and how it works. We are also providing information about the progress of the production.

Hello backers,

Pledge Manager is the next step of the campaign. During the Campaign and Late Pledge you have selected and purchased various products and paid for them. Now it is time to provide your address, where the package will be sent and pay for it. During the campaign we were not 100% sure what will be the costs of shipping, but now the prices are sure, and we are happy to confirm that none of them is higher than predicted. Please note that cost of the biggest bundles (like 3x Group Pledge All-in) may be very high, if you are buying a lot of products and you want to confirm the cost of the shipment, please contact (as always) Gosia ( Providing your shipment address and paying for the delivery is crucial – we will remind you about few times before we close the PM, but please do not wait to the moment. Learn more about Pledge Manager HERE.


We are still working on some aspects of the game: the playmat, boxes and promo box components. Due to production reasons we had to replace the plastic Enemy tokens with wooden tokens. This way all the upgraded tokens are wooden and will look great on the table. We are sorry for any inconvenience. For now everything is on schedule and we do not expect any delays.


As we already said, the EN version is ready, DE version is still being edited and proofreaded, PL version is currently edited and proofreaded. IT, Es and FR versions prepared by our partners are also almost ready.

That is all for today, if by chance you plan to attend Essen spiel, do not forget to visit our booth in hall 3!

Portal Games team

Find out more about Thorgal: The Board Game here:

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We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.