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NEWS: Essen Pre-Orders Now Available!

We’ve had great success with our Gen Con pre-order system this year and are now gearing up for Essen Spiel with a set of special offers just for the show! In addition to pre-orders for our new releases, we are also offering discounted bundles for our current product lines… or

PREVIEW: Steel Police

The premier of Steel Police is very close, so today we present you a trailer A few years back, when the Steel Police was first released for the old editions, Ignacy wrote an article. We thought you’d like to read it. Moneyball Somewhere at the beginning of January, Steel Police

CONTEST: What’s In A Name?

As the image shows, we are running a contest for the next Empire Pack. Can you guess the name? Send in your guesses, and we will pick 3 winners to receive a copy of the expansion! But wait… there’s more! We will be dropping hints all over. Be sure to

FICTION: Neuroshima Hex – Runners

Today, we have an excellent piece of fan fiction to share with you from author Hanibal Sonderegger. Enjoy!   The Runners Hanibal Sonderegger, 2015   H0ogrider shifted his shoulder uncomfortably. His new armour was heavy, and his slight frame bounced around in it as he ran. He had made his first

CONTEST: Mashum contest from #PortalatNight

On last night’s episode of #PortalatNight I ran a simple contest: Pick 2 of our games Combine them Tell us why The participation was awesome and many laughs were had! Here, we present you the coveted Boss’s Choice winners for the best tweets:   @trzewik Legacy Hex. two families in,

FUNNY: Some tweets from this week

Tony from Board Game Quest can’t play Neuroshima Hex and blames bad luck. #pathetic Teaching Neuroshima Hex by @trzewik to @HMastrangeli tonight. She's got some solid beginners luck going… — Board Game Quest (@BoardGameQuest) August 27, 2015 Dave is playing Robinson Crusoe THE RIGHT WAY. #respect Hey @trzewik, sheltering

ARTICLE: The Convoy is Coming, Are you Ready?

Neuroshima: Convoy, 2nd Edition rolls into your hands at Essen Spiel 2015. We are extremely excited to bring this new edition to gamers world-wide. We cleaned up a few spots, streamlined a few others, and tweaked the art and graphic design… and, I must say, the game looks simply amazing.


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.