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Cry Havoc 1st birthday and Aftermath Expansion

Cry Havoc is one year old! We are celebrating first birthday of Portal Games bestselling, brutal sci-fi action game – Cry Havoc! This is a great opportunity to play it – control war torn areas with card-driven, asymmetric, factions and, well, CRY HAVOC! Let us share some good memories and

Alien Artifacts Rulebook

As our Alien Artifacts pre-order campaign is going on with full force of an interstellar engine, we are giving you more and more details about the game. Recently we have posted a Alien Artifacts rulebook in BETA version. And we have got a feedback from you, our fans. We would

Problems with e-mail servers

Recently our external e-mail servers were not working properly, sometimes delaying your messages, other times completely blocking them. Our IT guys and gals our working right now to fix this problem and we would like to apologize for any inconvenience anyone, who might be affected. At the same time, if

Portal Games Informant #25

GenCon 2017 is behind us! It was its 50 anniversary, so naturally, we couldn’t miss such an event. Check out, how we sold all copies of First Martians, how Ignacy was talking about board game industry seminars and how we met with our fans at Portal Games booth, on the

GenCon 2017 Quiz&Contest results!

We have asked you three questions about our GenCon past. And you have delivered a lot of answers. Some were correct, others not so much. First, let’s see, which answers were correct: Question #1: How many times Portal Games have attended GenCon? The right answer is three – in 2014,

First Martians Application 1.06 changelog

For all of you, who are interested in such a nerdy stuff, we have prepared a summary of changes in our App since version 1.3 rolled out. Here is the changelog: 07.15 1. Hardcore Events implementation. 2. After Outro decisions Implementation. 3. Fixed an XML bug, merged texts. 4. Fixed

Shelf of shame – Asking Fans

A week ago we have asked you, Portal Games fans, about your Shelf of shame… or which board game do you have for a very long time and have never played it? Which one is a must have in your inventory, but you’ve never actually played it? Which one is


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.