Will you be on GenCon this year? Portal Games certainly will be! And it wouldn’t be our first time there. We have many great memories from Indianapolis convention. Therefore, we would like to propose a small contest. A quiz, if you like.
Rules are simple: Answer correctly three, easy questions, write us an e-mail, win a lottery and be on GenCon 2017 to get your prize directly from Ignacy Trzewiczek, Portal Games CEO!
Question #1:
How many times Portal Games have attended GenCon?
Question #2:
In 2014 Portal Games released Imperial Settlers on Gen Con. It was a huge success. We sold all of our copies much faster, than we anticipated. Exactly how fast we went out of stock?
a) 28 seconds
b) 28 minutes
c) 28 hours
Question #3
What is a name of Portal Games USA liaison?
a) Chevee
b) Eevee
c) Ted
Write your responses in an e-mail as portal@portalgames.pl with subject “GenCon2017 Contest” before August 12, 2017. From all of you, who will send us correct answers, we will randomly select a winner of special prize – awesome, limited, not yet available anywhere Neuroshima HEX mug! And other 25 contestants will get a small token of appreciation (on special password, that we will send you via e-mail).
Remember – this is a contest for GenCon attendees – only there and then you will be able to receive your prize! We will contact contest winners via e-mail on August 23.
Stay tuned and see you in Indianapolis!