Portal Games Informant #64
World Cup! World Cup! World Cup! It’s World Cup time!
World Cup! World Cup! World Cup! It’s World Cup time!
We finish working on our project: Robinson Crusoe: Mystery Tales. Everything is almost ready! Development’s work is over. Now its graphics designers time!
Learn more about the development process of our new hex-based strategy – Monolith Arena! Thank you for watching this video. We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into our work. Let us know in the comments what would you like to see in upcoming videos.
Detective is a game night experience and solving a case can take more than three hours. Since you will most likely play each case only once, don’t ruin the experience by playing in a rush, in a bad mood, or under any other circumstances that will not help you fully
Illustrators are the ones, who breathe life into the game. That’s why we respect their work. It doesn’t matter if it’s a board game, a card game, or a video game. They just use their magical powers, and voila, everything looks, and feels, better.
Detective is a cooperative game. All players share the Skill tokens, Stress tokens, and Authority tokens in a common Token pool and use a Time marker to track the passing of time when resolving all Actions. We use the word “you” to represent the entire team. You are going to
Take a sit and come with us on an amazing trip around Pyrkon, the biggest fantasy convention in Poland!
Hello, Hello! We have new episode of Portal Games Informant for you! Today you gonna see Bruno Faidutti – Gathering of Friend and some b-rolls about Detective 🙂 Watch previous episodes HERE: https://bit.ly/2jC7OrO Thank you for watching this video. We hope you enjoy a sneak peak into our work. Let
Watch Ignacy’s trip to Niagara Falls, where he demoed Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game, at the Gathering of Friends 2018!
Just an average week here for us in Portal Games Headquarters. Watch as work on the Detective, Robinson Crusoe: Mystery Tales and many other awesome games!
The Dice Tower team is in Niagara Falls at Gathering of Friends and plans to do a lot of live streams from the event. The first guest is Ignacy Trzewiczek. Tune in today at 10 am EDT / 7 am PDT / 4 pm CEST to the Dice Tower YouTube
New expansion for Robinson Crusoe is coming! Are you excited? We sure are!
Portal Games was founded in 1999. And from the very beginning, we were designing games. By the end of March 2018, our team consists of 18 people. At the beginning of April, we will grow to 20 employees total! Learn more in our newest Portal Games informant:
Meet our graphic designer, Rafał Szyma, author of the Shards series in the Artifacts’ Universe!