Get the Game: Detective – by Active Player Network
In Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game from Portal Games, work with your friends to take on several investigator roles and solve five different inter-connected cases while double checking your clues against information from the agency’s online database. Like the post and tag the members of your Detective Team in
Detective video spoiler free review by the Broken Meeple

The heaviest deduction game out there? How immersive and engaging is Detective by Portal Games? Have no fear, this review will be fully spoiler free!
Portal Games Informant #73
51st State expansion? It’s happening!
Portal Games Informant #72
Operation „Essen” begins
Portal Games Informant #71
It’s time to get serious for a while, guys. Ignacy rants.
Detective – Board Game Geek GameNight! Se6 Ep10

Tonight on GameNight!, Nikki, Mike, Dave, and Lincoln play Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game designed by Ignacy Trzewiczek and published by Portal Games.
Portal Games Informant #69
The week before Gen Con… We are going to Gen Con to release Detective: A Modern Crime Board Game! We are also going to demo Monolith Arena, you will have a chance to talk with Ignacy at our booth #1850. There are also some cool pre-annoincements in the video. Ignacy
Portal Games Informant #67
Our North American team, led by Ignacy Trzewiczek himself, were at The Dice Tower Con. And it was a blast! Detective & Monolith Arena ware presented and played, Ignacy won the game on Crokinole, and he also did a blind cookies test! We had a great time, and a great
Presentation of Monolith Arena at the Dice Tower Con

If you would like to know more about our upcoming fantasy skirmish Monolith Arena, we would like to introduce you to Luke. He is our North America representative, and he recently was at the Dice Tower Con, presenting the newest Michał Oracz’s game. Check it out!
Detective – presentation at the Dice Tower Con!

If you were at Dice Tower Con, you had a great time, and there is a chance that you have played case 6 of Detective! For those of you who have missed the Con, we would like to show you, how Ignacy presented the game, what are some first impressions,