That’s how we work!
Order update from Portal Games includes the line "Go Spurs Go!" I love you Greg, My order is in good hands. @trzewik — Start Space Podcast (@StartSpaceCast) January 30, 2015
Order update from Portal Games includes the line "Go Spurs Go!" I love you Greg, My order is in good hands. @trzewik — Start Space Podcast (@StartSpaceCast) January 30, 2015 posted new review of Legacy and although we don’t like spoilers we have to say they used words like ‘outstanding’ and ‘great fun’, so… You know, go and check this review!
Nick from Boardgame Brawl took a look at Why Can’t We Be Friends expansion! You can find his review here!
Thank you for your votes! This is super epic achievement and we are pleased and honored to be so high in this ranking! Thank you so much! To see more, please, visit!
Ricky Royal began epic series of videos dedicated to Voyage of the Beagle. Please, visit his channel and watch how the story develops! We are so excited to see adventures of Charles Darwin and Ricky Royal! Here is the link!
Imperial Settlers made it to the Top10 of Best games of 2014 on many list, including Zee Garcia and Sam Healey from The Dice Tower, Tim Norris from Grey Elephant Gaming, David Taylor from To the Table, Tony from Boardgame Quest and last but not least to the Top10 Best
Joel Eddy from Drive Thru Reviews played Why Can’t We Be Friends and is ready to share his thoughts! Here is his video!
We posted rulebook for Why Can’t We Be Friends expansion in PDF format. You can find it here.
We are happy to inform that Bots expansion for Theseus is ready. Expansion is available in Europe now and will hit US market at the beginning of 2015.
We are happy to inform that Legacy: testament of duke de Crecy was nominated to Game of the Year award in Poland!
If you like game sessions and reports – here is something you will love! At Roll and Groove you will find a session from solo game of Robinson Crusoe. Session is in a form of diary and is super thematic! Have a good read!
Imperial Settlers made it to the Top 200 games in BoardGameGeek ranking. Thank you for all your votes. It means a lot for us. Thank you!