Bohemians Stole the Show! Nürnberg Fair Highlights

Hello, hello,

This is Ignacy Trzewiczek, and this is another letter from Poland. This week was pretty tough, so you’ll get from me 100% of Slavic Ignacy. Ready? Let’s discuss rulebooks.

I am the guy who released First Martians. It was 2017 and I became the industry most renowned ‘terrible rulebook guy”. It’s been almost 10 years ago. Some of you have not been in gaming yet. Trust me, it was a big deal. The Internet was on fire. That rulebook sucked.


I am bringing this epic failure, because these past 2 weeks I spent countless hours working on the final version of the Race to Berlin rulebook. And the question arises – am I still today “the terrible rulebook guy” or maybe I am now “the guy who learned a lot from his mistakes”


We will see when you get the game in your hands. I dug deep in every paragraph and in every sentence.  I spent long hours with designer cross checking, double checking and super checking rules. I know every word, every comma and every dot in this rulebook. I hate this document now with my whole heart. 


I’d say it is proof that I did a good job, but of course, it is not. 


Race to Berlin is an exceptional project. It is a wargame being published by a regular publisher. Besides the wargaming audience we will reach with this box hundreds of players who never played wargame but will decide to give it a go. You were on a fence for years, you were tempted by historical wargames, but were afraid to try and here we are – Ignacy and Portal Games invite you to try it. They say it is brilliant, easy to grasp and may be your gateway portal for a brand new adventure and chapter in your gaming life. 


This rulebook cannot suck. This rulebook cannot take any wargaming concept for granted. This rulebook cannot assume you know how all these wargames work. It must be one of the best wargaming rulebooks ever. 


I feel no pressure. Not at all. 


Yeah, that was a tough week. I hope in a few months, when you put Race to Berlin on your table and you will play your first wargame ever, you will think about me and this letter. And you will say to your opponent: “He did a good job that week.”


Your opponent will ask: “What? What job? Who did?” And you will smile and say: “I got a letter from Poland in February. Nevermind. Let’s play.”


Thank you for being Portal Games fan and thank you for your support to our work,

Have a great weekend


PS. If we talk about Race to Berlin, let me show you the set up of the game – it looks gorgeous



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We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.