If you’ve played Legacy: the Testament of Duke De Crecy, then you’ve undoubtedly had to explain, or be explained the way missions work. It’s pretty simple: during your turn, you can spend an action pawn to undertake a mission. You discard a Friend card, then draw 2 Mission cards. Then you choose one to keep. Missions are a great way to build a strategy throughout the game, earning you points for achieving unique accomplishments.
Then, you find out that this whole mechanism changes during the final generation. Now, if you take the mission action, you don’t get to draw and choose a mission. Instead, you may unlock the missions shown on your Patron card. It is not an elegant rule, and we know it… but it’s necessary and here to tell you why is Ignacy:
We faced problems when playtesting the game. Players who didn’t plan ahead found themselves in Generation III with very few options. As a result, they would tend to take the Mission action because they thought “what the hell, maybe I’ll gain some pts from a Mission.”
Missions award 6 or 8 points and it was super unstable that a player could get lucky, draw a Mission that accidentally matches his genealogy tree, and gain a free 8 pts.
To balance it out we came up with the idea that Missions at some point (III gen) can no longer be random. We decided players will start with ready, pre-constructed missions for Gen III – these are Patrons. Your Patron acts as a sort of final Mission that gives you a unique goal to work towards right from the beginning of the game.
That’s why in Generation III players who take the Mission action don’t actually take a Mission. They only draw a card as a reminder that they are fulfilling their pre-constructed Mission – the Patron.
In this way we managed to:
– give players a long term goal (Missions that will be resolved at the end of the game)
– stop situations when a lucky player wins the game because he got 8 pts out of nothing
I hope this helps you understand why this rule is a bit awkward. To learn more about the game, check out this article: Spotlight on Legacy and visit the games page.