ARTICLE: Don’t hesitate to say nice things! It is super power!

We were working pretty hard. It began on Tuesday with 9 hour drive to Germany, then on Wednesday we set up booth and unloaded 14 palettes of games. Each palette has more than 250 kilograms of games, so we had fun with some about 4 tons of games for start.

The actual Essen madness began of course on Thursday. You wake up 6 am, you take shower, you have breakfast and you go to the fair to work without break till 7 PM, then clean the booth, go to the dinner, hit hotel about 9 PM, discuss with the team day, plan next day, take shower, go to bed about midnight. Wake up 6 am…

This is madness. This is Sparta. No single break. No single moment of rest. Ongoing crowds of gamers, constant flow of new faces and new gamers asking about our games. In Essen you are allowed to one short break to go to toilet and one short break to eat sandwich. That’s all you can get. This is most exhausting show of the year. This is ride that grabs from you all energy and leaves you with no power left. Essen is crazy hard.

We came to Poland on Monday late night. I arrived home after 8 PM. I was dead tired. I mean -dead- tired. So was my whole team.

And yet…

Today it is Wednesday. 24 hours later. Believe it or not – I have whole Portal team in the office. They are back. On Monday evening I told them to take some free time and recover after Essen. Every one of them showed up today. Every few minutes doors to the office opened and another Portal employee entered the room. They have huge smile on their face, each of them. They are sitting in the room and work like they missed office for weeks. Positive energy is just all around. You remember this funny dude from ‘Over the hedge’? This is my team – pumped up again, ready to conquer the gaming world and bring new great games to you.


It’s all because of you. It was you who approached our booth and told us you like our games. It was you who came and gave us cookies. It was you who came and said you just wanted to shake hands and thanks for the games we do. It was you who pat us on the back and told that we do great job at Portal. It was you who told us that you like our vlog, that you like our podcast, that you like Ignacy’s blog, that you can’t wait for Robinson expansion…

It was you who made my team flying today. It was you who gave them amazing positive energy. It was you who made them ignore free time I offered them.

They showed up today because of you.

Gamers, you are amazing. Thank you for positive energy you gave us. Whole office is filled with it. You are the best!



We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.