PROMO: Discovery tokens with a bag

This great Robinson Crusoe mini-expansion includes:

  • Seven new Discovery tokens of such useful items as Bandages, Rope, Pistol, Rum, Tracks of a beast, Biscuits and Sail.
  • Handy, black bag for you tokens – now you can keep them at hand with ease!

Add it now to your collection!

Discovery tokens with a bag

Buy Discovery tokens with a bag!

Discovery Tokens with a bag

2 Comments Added

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  1. Andreas Olsen 2018-08-23 | Reply

    The web shop item description says: This product is not part of new edition of Robinson Crusoe!
    Is it not compatible with 4th edition?

    • Portal Games 2018-08-24 | Reply

      It is compatible. It is just not included in the newest edition. We wanted to make that clear.

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