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ARTICLE: 51st State is NOT Imperial Settlers

It’s true, there are many similarities between Imperial Settlers and 51st State. Imperial Settlers was designed as a light-hearted update to the award winning 51st. This year, 51st State is getting a new skin and boy has the reaction been interesting. For us, it’s awesome that fans of the game

ARTICLE: Let Me Provoke a Question

Some of the hardcore fans of the first edition of 51st State complain that Rule of 3 got removed from the new edition of 51st State. Let me today provoke brainstorming with me. Let’s discuss this topic. Rule of 3 and Deals. Rule of 3 says you have 3 spaces

ANNOUNCEMENT: Portal Games Announces Crazy Carts

Portal Games Announces Crazy Carts An exciting, team-based racing game from designer Charles-Amir Perret. Gliwice, Poland – March 16, 2016. Today, Portal Games announced Crazy Karts from designer Charles-Amir Perret. Crazy Karts is a fast-paced racing game for teams of two in which each player controls specific actions of their

ARTICLE: The Golden Geek Awards!

It’s that time of year again! Time to vote on your favorite games from 2015. This year, Portal Games received 5 nominations! Thank you so much! We are humbled and honored by your support and dedication. Our number one goal is to make games that you appreciate and enjoy. When

ARTICLE: Convoy – Let’s Talk About Moloch

In the story of Neuroshima, the robots somehow became sentient and started attacking the world. Moloch. This was the start of the war… and after, humanity struggles against the Moloch and the twisted mutants and gangers born of the fallout. Every day is a fight against the machine that threatens

ARTICLE: Master Set – Boring Stuff, Boring Article

So Master Set, huh? Let’s talk about building this baby! 51st State had 110 cards including Location cards, Connection cards and Leader cards. The New Era had 110 cards including Location cards and Connection cards. No Leaders though. Some of these cards were exact reprints of cards from 51st State. Winter expansion

BLOG: They Deserve Better!

I am a huge fan of children‘s games. I have a big collection of board games for kids and even though my own kids got older and they won’t play with me anymore, I still keep these kids games in my collection. I won’t get rid of them. I will play with my grandchildren, right?! There are some real gems among

ARTICLE: 51st State – New Stretch Goals!

Holy cow you guys! You’ve crushed our planned stretch goals already! We assumed that you would like our little “campaign” but we weren’t sure just HOW much you would! This is awesome! We’ve crashed through all the stretch goals we had planned (and hoped!) for and now, we have three

ARTICLE: Spotlight on – My Happy Farm

At the start of a game of My Happy Farm, your animals are sad. They are hungry! You need to plant crops, harvest them, and then feed your livestock. This makes your animals happy, and happy animals will win you the game! My Happy Farm is a game of planning. Each

ARTICLE: I am a Lunatic

We are a few weeks into the 51st State pre-order campaign and it’s going great. Yesterday, we posted the rulebook for everyone to see and asked that you check it out and let us know if you like it and if you find any problems. Over the next few days,

RULES: 51st State – Master Set

It is time! Today, we share with you the NOT FINAL rules for the 51st State Master Set. Why isn’t this final? Because we want to hear from you! We have been much more pro-active with the editing and proofing of these rules, and now we want to engage you,

ARTICLE: From His Perspective…

Ignacy was recently interviewed by the Polish boardgaming website so we thought we’d share. Enjoy!   From his perspective… an interview with Ignacy Trzewiczek During this year’s Portalkon, the Portal Games’ crew, headed by Ignacy Trzewiczek, announced a very ambitious release schedule. Listed among numerous well-known board games was the

ARTICLE: Outsmart Your Opponent

New edition of Stronghold hit retail in the U.S. just this week. As you probably heard it has amazing components, polished rules, and is much quicker – no glory board, Invader troops already on the map, all those small changes that speed up the game.   Among many changes in


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.