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BLOG: I play-tested it more than 100 times

‘I play-tested it more than 100 times’. No, you probably didn’t. You played it 100 times, but playing is not play-testing. Shall we begin? *** I receive many emails from young designers and see the same phrase everywhere. ‘I play-tested it more than 100 times.’ This is a sentence I

Origins Game Fair Vlogs

Origins Game Fair is one of the biggest board game conventions there are. It was held between 14 and 16 June 2017 in Columbus, Ohio. Full five days of gaming! We couldn’t miss such an opportunity, so we went there with our Portal Games booth to play games and spread

Unexpected Delays

Friends, it is with great sorrow that we must report some delays for our upcoming summer releases. Our manufacturing partner has informed us that they are currently running behind schedule and will be unable to catch up. As such, we are pushing back our release dates a few weeks in

Portal Games Informant #11

Another week and another Portal Games Informant. This is Portal Games Informant! In this episode, we have a new employee, we receive an award for Cry Havoc and we – of course – develop and play test Alien Artifacts!  

New Portal Games Informant

Another Portal Games Informant is here! This week we present few cool moments from the office including receiving First Martians sample from China, intense testing of Alien Artifacts (surprise! 😉 and a ton of random stuff! Have a great watch!

Press release – Scavengers

Gliwice, Poland – May 15, 2017. Today, Portal Games announced street dates for SCAVENGERS, the first expansion for the award-winning 51st STATE: MASTER SET. The Polish and German editions of the expansion will be released on 7th of June. The English edition will be released on 14th of June in

Cry Havoc nominated again!

We are thrilled to announce that we just got another nomination for Cry Havoc! This is crazy! In the last 4 weeks we got 4 awards for the game. Thank you so much for all the love for the game and all the kind words about our design. We are

ARTICLE: Death Breath in the Neuroshima setting

The plague which cast Detroit into flames transforms humans into mindless monstrosities which lust for killing; hideous slaughtering machines which make the mutes from the Death zone look like docile pets. The disease entirely burns off the brain, leaving just enough cunning to trace one’s victims. The memories are lost,

Web store: New items!

With the release of Death Breath army for U.S. market, we also have one small addition to the Neuroshima Hex universe – that is Terrain tiles. Inspired by the rules from the old expansion (Babel13) terrain tiles will change the board and add few additional surprises to the battles. We

The Dice Tower awards!

In 2016 we released 5 games. Today 3 of them received a nomination for The Best Game of the Year (in two different categories). We are honored and very happy. Thank you – The Dice Tower! And thank you all fans, who play and recommend our games. That is awesome,

BLOG: Zombies and Neuroshima world

There were no zombies in the Neuroshima Role Playing Games. To be precise, there were no zombies, no mechs, and no dead children. We put into this game literally everything; it was 500 pages book that looked like witch’s cauldron. We put every single idea we had, and man, we


We are bookworms. Movie maniacs. Story addicts. We grew up reading Tolkien, Howard, Herbert, Dick, Lem… We were watching Willow, Blade Runner, Never Ending Story, Robin Hood…

And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.