How to play Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write

General overview

The game lasts 10 rounds. In each round a starting player rolls 3 resource dice and a worker die, to form a shared resource and worker pool.

Then each player chooses a favor token which grants their Empire a special bonus.

Next, players simultaneously assign their workers and resources to expand their Empire by harvesting fields, building new structures to gain new abilities and victory points.

At the end of the 10th round players count up all of Victory Points to determine the winner!

Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write offers 3 playing modes:

Basic mode – in which all players get the same Village Sheet containing the same set of 5 buildings and compete against each other to see who is able to score the most Victory Points. It is easy to learn and perfect for playing with your family or to discover the basics of the game.

Advanced mode – which works similarly as basic mode, but adds another layer to your strategy – you can now boost the abilities of your buildings by drawing their shapes on your Empire sheet. This mode is perfect for gamers to search for different paths to victory.

Adventure mode – originally designed to play solo. It offers 48 unique Village sheets, all with different buildings and abilities! So each time you play, you are challenged with a completely new situation. Adventure mode can also be played multiplayer when players own multiple copies of the game or purchase an additional Adventure & Empire Notepad (click here to Shop).

Download the Rulebook and Almanach

Click here to download official Rulebook for Imperial Settlers: Roll & Write

Download Almanac for a detailed explanation of each building in the game

Watch the video for a quick instruction on how to play


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And yet, we don’t write books… we don’t make movies. We don’t make those things, because we make games. We make games that tell stories.