Hello, hello, this is Ignacy Trzewiczek from Portal Games. This past week I spent in Germany, at Nurnberg fair. I was presenting our new releases to our European partners. Let me tell you how it works.
Portal Games publishes games in Polish and English. For other languages we have trusted partners, we present them our games and they decide if the game is a good fit for their local market. Sometimes game becomes a worldwide hit, like Robinson Crusoe, or Detective with 12 or 14 language editions, with release in Italian, French, Spanish, German etc, and sometimes the game is too specific to make a wider appeal. For instance, not all markets risk to sign a science fiction games, but all markets love to sign games with animals these days.
To Nurnberg fair I went to present our new releases: Neuroshima Hex, Age of Galaxy and Bohemians. Let me start with that – Bohemians was a freakin’ rockstar of the fair🔥 Almost every partner declared the interest in local edition and asked for prototype to playtest the game in their offices. I cannot be more proud and happy – I was working with Jasper, designer of the game since Essen Spiel 2024, and we are super proud of what we achieved with this game. It’s smooth, quick, easy to grasp and has awesome theme that shines with every card played. I cannot wait for Essen 2025 and the release of the game.
With Age of Galaxy we were presenting the new edition of the game. Portal Games changed the components compared to the previous edition, and the change is really impressive, my team did extraordinary work. Not all our partners are into science fiction card games, but those who are, were really interested. I hope to be able to announce some new local editions of the game very soon.
And the last but not least – Neuroshima Hex. This year we are celebrating the 20th anniversary of the release of Neuroshima Hex. We have the whole slate of releases and events. Most partners are interested in a small steps, the introductory Neuroshima Hex: Battle – perfect starter set with two armies in it and the playing mat!
OK, I know, I am pumped. I was talking about our new games the whole week. We have a great catalog this year. Fans of Portal Games will have a real treat in 2025. Thank you here for being for us.
I promise you, I am here for you – working my ass to deliver the the best games I can for your fun.
What’s happening around Portal Games?
I put a lot of photos from Nurnberg Fair on my Twitter feed: https://x.com/trzewik
We also resurrected from dead my TikTok account: https://www.tiktok.com/@portalgamesus
And as for new reviews of our games, this past week Jon from JonGetsGames did outstanding presentation of Resurgence, please, please, check it out here, it is a very good video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nW4NpOxhF4c
Digital Imperial Miners
Does the card effect allow you to activate another card? This one lets you advance on the Progress board and perform actions from all the spaces you pass through, and one of those spaces allows you to activate yet another card…?
Once you get to know the game well and learn how to build such combos, you might feel overwhelmed by the sheer number of combos and options. You might also lose track of all the activations and the order in which they should be carried out when playing on a mobile.
Worry not – the app tracks all steps of your super combo and you’ll never miss a single effect or action.
Imperial Miners is available both for your mobile device and PC!